
04.09.2016  17:05



    拥有丰富感情的杭州人,创造了许多动人的故事。许仙白娘子的惊世之恋;苏小小的芳魂不断;济公的醉观尘世……每一个故事都表达着杭州人的爱恨情仇。他们有“杨柳岸晓风残月”的缠绵悱恻,也有“舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马”的侠肝义胆。他们是可爱真实的杭州人。A Hangzhou Story The Hangzhou people, full of feeling, have made many moving stories. Xu Xian, Lady Bai and their story of love, Su Xiaoxiao and her beautiful soul, the famous mad monk Ji Gong’s drunken view of the world… every story reflects the strong emotions of the people of Hangzhou. They have the poetic feeling of willows on the banks of a river under moonlight, as well as a dashing bravery that knows no bounds. These are the characters of Hangzhou people.


    公元前221年,秦灭六国,秦始皇率领船队出游东南。据《史记·秦始皇本纪》记载:“至钱塘,临浙江(钱塘江),水波恶。乃西百二十里从狭中渡。”面对汹涌的钱塘潮,逆行120 里,秦始皇派人将大船缆系在保俶山一块巨石上,自己登上山顶眺望江面。他就这样,于两千多年前在杭州留下了自己的印记。 Emperor Qin Shihuang and Hangzhou In 221 BC, when the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms, Emperor Qin Shihuang lead an expedition to the southeast of China. According to historical records on the emperor: “When arriving at the Qiantang, near the Qiantang River, the water was rough. Thus, the party travelled west 120 li to cross”. The emperor had the boats tied to a rock at Mount Baochu, and ascended the mountaintop to look over the river, leaving his footprints in Hangzhou more than two millennia ago.

来源:浙江发布        作者:        编辑:钟一鸣