爱上杭州的16个理由 每一个都让人无法拒绝

04.09.2016  17:04

    杭州,数百年前就被意大利旅行家马可• 波罗称为“世界上最美丽华贵之天城”。她是浙江省会,现代都市,美丽、新潮;她是江南的代名词,一直被视为“最宜居城市”。为什么这么多人爱杭州?今天,小布先说16个理由,一定还不全,欢迎小伙伴们留言补充~


    朋友说前两日因为找不着聚会场所,问了跳广场舞的大妈,大妈以为她是来旅游的,热心地给她指路,还不忘提醒,西湖边上的景点都是免费的!朋友说虽然大妈的提醒对她来说是多余的,却油然而生一种身为杭州人的自豪。2003 年起,杭州市政府开放了西湖沿线的全部景点,西湖景点从此以开放姿态迎接八方来客。This Place Is FreeMy friend told me that for the past two days, she couldn’t find a place to get together with friends, so she asked one of the old ladies dancing in the square, who mistook her for a tourist and gave her great directions, and reminded her that all the scenic spots on the West Lake are open for free! My friend said that even though the old woman talked a bit much, it made her proud of being from Hangzhou. In 2003, the Hangzhou city government opened all scenic spots for free around the West Lake to welcome visitors from all over.


    地铁站出来,穿过幽径来到一处建筑前。抬头看,五颗星后面的英文TOILET 证明这的确是厕所。进去,除了男女的分别,还有母婴、老人专用的房间。公共洗手的地方,华灯高悬,典雅的木质镜框、窗户、门,还有那袅袅檀烟,恍若进入一所豪宅。杭州的公厕,不但是全国率先实行免费的,而且不乏高大上之作啊。Star-Rated ToiletComing out of the subway, you head down a quiet alley to find yourself in front of a building. You can find a sign with five stars and the English word TOILET written upon it, which confirms you’re in the right place. Aside from men’s and women’s areas, there is one for mothers with infants, and one for the elderly. There are nice lamps and wood-framed mirrors, doors and windows in the handwashing area, as well as the floating scent of camphor-tree incense. Being in this toilet is like being in a mansion. Not only are the public toilets in Hangzhou the first free ones in the country, they are quite nice.


    这里不是经济型酒店,不提供酒店式服务;这里的床铺如学校寝室的上下铺;这里你可以偶遇来自世界各地的行者……这里,就是YHA国际青年旅舍。在杭城,“明堂、吴山驿、岚水、柳湖小筑、 青庭、荷方、岭上、江南驿、风荷”是她的代名词,或与西子湖相伴,或毗邻南山路梧桐大道,真可谓“一步一景一桃源”。Youth HostelsThese aren’t budget hotels, nor do they have hotel-like service. These places have bunk beds like in a university dorm; you can meet travellers from all over the world. These are youth hostels, and there are many in Hangzhou, with names like Mingtang, Lanshui, Qingting, Hefang, etc. Meaning things like “bright garden”, “mist over mountain peaks”, “celadon court”, “lotus place” and the like, walking between them is like reading a poem.

来源:浙江发布        作者:        编辑:钟一鸣